Politecnico di Torino (POLITO) is a leading institution in Italy and in Europe in the field of technical-scientific research. Currently it is among the top Engineering and Technology universities in the world, and its international education network features about 460 bilateral agreements and 129 double-degree agreements with EU and non-EU universities, active participation in university networks and the establishment of international campuses. Within POLITO, the Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) is the result of a joint venture between Politecnico and the other main Turin public university (the University of Turin). The core mission of DIST focuses on educational and research activities in the field of urban studies, spatial planning and the built environment, including the management of historical, cultural, economic, technological, environmental, natural and built heritages. Thanks to its unique inter-university structure, DIST joins the scientific and cultural approaches of the Polytechnic (architecture, engineering and management) and of the University (political, economic and social sciences).
Giancarlo Cotella is the coordinator of the Politecnico di Torino team. He is an associate professor in urban and regional planning at DIST – Politecnico di Torino. He has over fifteen years of international research experience on the comparative analysis of territorial governance and spatial planning systems in Europe and beyond with particular reference to the impact of EU policies on domestic contexts. His work focused extensively on the potentials for transferability of good practices and policy recommendations within the European space. He has been working in close cooperation with a number of regional and local stakeholders, supporting them in the development of territorial development strategies.
Sara Bonini Baraldi is an associate professor in management at DIST – University of Turin, and professor at the Master in “World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development”, organized by University of Torino, the International Training Centre of the ILO, and UNESCO World Heritage Centre. She has also been visiting professor at Universitè Paris 8, Sain-Denis (France) and the Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland). In 2015 and 2016 she has been consultant for the Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Italian Cultural Ministry. Her research interests concern the reform of public administration in the heritage field and the relationship between art, culture and the territory.
Marta Bottero is full professor in Planning Evaluation and Project Appraisal at DIST – Politecnico di Torino. She teaches Urban Management, Multicriteria Analysis and Environmental Assessment. She holds a degree in Environmental and Land Engineering and a PhD degree in Geo-Environmental Engineering. Her scientific interests mainly focus on methodologies, techniques and tools for supporting sustainability assessment of urban and territorial transformations. She has been acting as consultant and advisor on the matter for several public authorities.
Claudia Cassatella is an associate professor in urban and landscape Planning at DIST – Politecnico di Torino. She serves as chair of the M.Sc. in Regional, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning. Her theoretical and applied research mainly deals with landscape planning and landscape heritage. She took part to numerous applied research projects commissioned by public authorities, including the Italian Ministry for cultural heritage, various regional administrations, park authorities and Unesco World Heritage Sites. She conducted collaborative research and didactical activities together with TU Delft, The Tokyo University, and is member of the Executive Board of UNISCAPE.
Vanessa Assumma is a postdoctoral researcher in Planning Evaluation and Project Appraisal at DIST – Politecnico di Torino. She holds a master’s degree in Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Lanscape Planning and a Ph.D. degree in Urban and Regional Development. She is adjunct professor of the course Tools for Environmental Sustainability Assessment at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). She currently works in the VALIUM research group (Valuation for Integrated Urban Management) and is involved in research activities on the resilience of socio-ecological systems, planning evaluation and strategic assessment. She has also been a visiting researcher at Information Systems, Supply Chain and Decision making Department (SISCAD) of NEOMA Business School, Rouen (France) and at Centre of Mathematics (CMAT) of the University of Minho, Guimarães (Portugal). Her scientific interests are focused on the assessment of complex spatial problems characterised by uncertainty and interdependences, strategic environmental impact assessment procedures and mathematical models in the context of environmental and spatial planning.