ITC2022 call for abstracts is open till 15th 25th September 2022.
The only accepted way to submit the abstract is to use the online system dedicated for that purpose: https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/itc/index. Do not send us abstracts by email!
Each abstract should be prepared in English according to the requirements described on the website of the online submission system: https://czasopisma.uni.lodz.pl/itc/author_info.
All submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Board.
The main theme of ITC2022 is: “Tourism – Going Back/Forward to Sustainability”. We will discuss geographical, social, environmental, economic, political, and managerial contexts of sustainable tourism. Feel invited to participate in the discussion, feel invited to ITC2022!
When submitting an abstract of your presentation, consider one of the already accepted sessions. Our intention is to make our discussion structured and understandable to a wider audience.
The general discussion on the sustainability of tourism is expected during ITC2022. We must address the challenges of tourism resulting from contemporary environmental issues, mainly climate change and the loss of geo- and biodiversity. We expect presentations referring to both, current and future climate conditions. On the other hand, focusing on local communities is also a must. We expect a discussion on the participation of the local communities in the tourism and hospitality industry not only to aim for the local economy, but to contribute to a society holistically. From this perspective, development of tourism in rural areas is crucial. We suggest exploring and comparing how tourism in rural areas might contribute to an impact on the sustainable development of rural spaces, including remote, sparsely populated, and less-favoured areas.
Due to the location hosting the ITC2022, our particular interests are in the Baltic Sea Region. We invite discussion on recent challenges of sustainable tourism in the Baltic Sea Region, aiming for an evolutionary approach with particular focus on environmental, economic, social, and political issues of tourism development.
Recovery of tourism from any crisis, including the COVID-19 pandemic, must address sustainability. We propose the discussion on scenarios of economic and financial recovery of tourism businesses. This is to face the recent loss of liquidity of tourism enterprises and to target sustainability as a response to future crises. From that perspective, a substantial need to stimulate and design new policies reshaping the air transportation industry is expected. We propose the discussion on changes made to aviation policy and impacts on the evolution of tourism, either adversely or beneficially.
We would like to focus on the development and research of promising types of tourism in terms of sustainable development. Feel invited to present your scientific achievements related to literary tourism and film-induced tourism products and experiences that promote sustainable development of destinations. Moreover, we would like to discuss how the practice of sport activities in nature can constitute a means of fulfilling the desire to travel and recreation associated with memorable and authentic experiences, but also the need to protect nature. We believe that sustainable tourism must be adapted to the needs of all people with disabilities or not. Thus, we propose the discussion on accessible tourism.
We understand that niche tourism has the potential to contribute to sustainable development. We see that tourism resources produce niche tourism products developed in a sustainable approach to benefit local communities. From ecotourism, to nature-based tourism, to community-based tourism to olive oil tourism, to vine-tourism to astro-tourism there are many examples on how niche markets can put sustainability in practice. We also see room for the discussion on a new approach to cultural tourism that promotes the development of disadvantaged areas. We would like to exchange experience on the role of cultural tourism in creating place-based identities and how these link to broader processes of regional, national, and multinational cultures.
Young generations are considered an important stakeholder in sustainable development. Discussion on youth tourism is mandatory, as youth has the power to change the world. But it is important to involve young people in discussions and actions related to the future of tourism. We invite contributions and different perspectives that focus on the trends and challenges of human and social capital needed for sustainable development of the tourism sector. We also expect a broad discussion on tourism education at all levels. All types of jobs in the tourism industry require qualifications and training that can equip current and future employees with adaptable, agile, and resilient skills requested in a world of uncertainty.
Finally, ITC2022 targets the idea of excellence in tourism research. Thus, we propose discussion on ontological, epistemological, and methodological foundations of tourism research. The discussion of methods should consider the rapid development of information and communication technologies, mobile technologies, and geographic information systems. We see that both internetization and technological development result in unprecedented possibilities for conducting more precise and comprehensive research on tourist phenomena.