The SPOT project started officially on December 1, 2019. However, kick-off meeting was organized few days after, on Friday and Saturday, December 6 and 7. All project partners met in Warsaw (Poland). We were hosted by Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences.
The goal of the kick-off meeting was to meet each other and discuss the following topics: idea and goals of the SPOT project, management, administration and finances in the project, procedures and tools of dissemination and communication, visual identity of the SPOT project. We have also discussed content of the outputs like theoretical framework on European tourism spatial planning, handbook on tourism spatial planning in Europe, and manual for academicians teaching sustainable spatial planning of tourism destinations. Finally, we shared our ideas of study visits.
Less than three months after kick-off meeting, first COVID-19 cases were evidenced in Italy, the country of one partner institution – Politecnico di Torino. Then pandemic outbreak was evidenced across other European countries. This has changed everything, including SPOT project. We had to cancel or postpone already planned mobilities, and change or frozen most of our scheduled activities. However, we still believe there is a chance for SPOT project to achieve promised outputs and goals.
Keep fingers crossed for us!