13. Human capital in tourism sector

Chair persons:

  • Vânia Costa | Online
  • Marcin Olszewski | On-site


Visit ITC2022 sessions.


  1. Contributions to a history of human capital in tourism: The case of Portugal (Ana Sofia Figueiredo, Inês Brasão) | Online
  2. Motivation and training of workers in public canteens and its relation to food waste (Andreia Oliveira, Joana Rodrigues, Cátia Morgado, Carlos Brandão, Maria Manuela Guerra) | Online
  3. Wage sustainability in the tourism professions in Portugal from the perspective of future professionals (Bonifácio Rodrigues, Nuno Abranja, Sandra da Cruz, Claudia Almeida) | Online
  4. The problems of language education of personnel in tourism enterprises and solution suggestions (Erkan Akgöz) | On-site
  5. Sustainability efforts in practice in European hotels – a tricky business (Anette Oxenswärdh) | On-site
  6. P2P Accommodation in Portugal: analysis of guests’ perception of the empathy present in the hospitality offered by the hosts (Ana Sofia Viana, Ana Elisa Sousa, Elkjair Medeiros da Silva) | On-site

Event Timeslots (1)

Liszewski Hall
Friday, November 18, 2022

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