The organizers of the International Tourism Congress ITC2022 cooperate with various scientific journals which welcome a discussion on sustainable tourism. We invite all ITC2022 participants to consider submitting full papers presenting achievements discussed during the congress to our partner journals.
Czasopismo Geograficzne | Geographical Journal
is a periodical issued since 1923. Its publisher is one of the oldest scientific societies in Poland – Polish Geographical Society. Since March 2021 the headquarters of the Editorial Office of Czasopismo Geograficzne has been the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Czasopismo Geograficzne is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary scientific open-access journal, currently published biannually. It welcomes studies from the following disciplines: socio-economic geography and spatial management, and Earth and environmental sciences.
The Editorial Board accepts also scientific articles in the field of: architecture and urban planning, environmental engineering, mining and power engineering if they correspond to the thematic lines of the journal and take into account the spatial aspect. What is particularly desirable are original theoretical or conceptual articles as well as empirical and experimental studies. However, they need to be deeply rooted in the source literature. Narrow, contributory local studies, based on standard methodology which show basic data do not fit the current agenda of the periodical and will not be eligible for print, even if they are factually correct.
Articles in Czasopismo Geograficzne are published in the Polish or English language. The journal is published in a compact form, printed and virtual (on-line). The issues of Czasopismo Geograficzne are stored in 15 libraries in Poland, including the National Library. The published studies are filed and make available on the Czasopismo Geograficzne website under the licence CC.
Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website.
European Spatial Research and Policy (ESR&P)
is an international review concerned with the problems of social and economic space organisation at a local, regional and supranational level. The journal comprising both theoretical and empirical aspects of spatial analyses is aimed at academics, policy-makers and practitioners interested in a broad range of spatial development in contemporary Europe. The scope of the journal is defined by the concepts of space, environment, society and economy rather than by names of specific disciplines. Its main areas of interest include i.a. regional policy, spatial planning, European integration processes, locational studies, labour market developments, foreign investments, environmental problems, and other crucial issues influencing the shape of contemporary and future European space. Contributions prepared by geographers and regional scientists, as well as economists, planners, architects, sociologists and historians who undertake spatial research within their respective disciplines reflect the interdisciplinary character of the review.
European Spatial Research and Policy is published annually as one volume consisting of two issues and includes refereed articles, notes, commentaries, reports and book reviews. The journal, being itself a result of close academic links of scholars and universities representing different countries, is an important forum for international exchange of information and opinions in the field of spatial studies.
Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website.
European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation
is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing original research. The journal focuses on current issues in tourism, hospitality, food service, transportation and leisure, including best practices and case studies.
EJTHR’s strategy follows a multidisciplinary approach with emphasis on the following topics: tourism economics and management; tourism, hospitality and restaurants; e-Tourism; geography of tourism and tourism destinations; planning and management of tourist products and recreation; and tourism, culture, society and language.
The European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation accepts original articles written in English. Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website.
Folia Turistica
is a free open access academic journal which has been published by the University of Physical Education in Krakow since 1990. Thus, it is one of the best-established journals in Poland that deal with research on tourism and its accompanying socioeconomic phenomena.
Folia Turistica publishes articles from the fields of humanities and social sciences, including cultural anthropology, philosophy, psychology and sociology, history, geography, as well as law and economics, management, and marketing. The Journal is also open to interdisciplinary papers, the theses of which address tourism by combining multiple fields and academic disciplines, enumerated above. Folia Turistica publishes first and foremost papers that report on the results of empirical research. However, it also presents especially valuable original review papers.
According to the latest Statement of the Minister of Education and Science from December 1, 2021 on the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, “Folia Turistica” journal has obtained 40 points as part of the parametric evaluation of scientific publications. “Folia Turistica” is indexed in the following databases: EBSCO, ERIH Plus, MIAR, Index Copernicus International, Google Scholar, International Center for Research and Study on Tourism (CIRET), CEON, ARIANTA, BazEkon, and “Baza Komputerowa SPORT”.
Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website.
Geography and Tourism (G&T)
is an multidysciplinary scientific journal aimed at presenting the results of theoretical and empirical research in geographic sciences and tourism. We have been on the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science since 2019.
It offers a deep insight into the geographic environment and seeks to determine the relationships between its various components. It is meant to help define the roles of individual elements in view of balanced social and economic development. The issues touched upon in the journal are believed to be of great importance to contemporary tourism, which explores the natural and cultural potential of the environment, bearing in mind the current level of social and economic development. Our journal has been assigned to such scientific disciplines as: Earth and related environmental sciences; social and economic geography and spatial management; physical culture science.
Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website or on the Kazimierz Wielki University journal platform.
Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness
is a double-blind peer review, independent and objective, unbiased, open access, (May-September-December) online scientific publication. The journal seeks articles related to the intelligence and smartness research about tourism. The journal does not charge any article fee during the submission, evaluation, and publication process.
There is not an open access publication fee for authors. The journal has been published regularly for 5 years on the “Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey” journal system. The journal is indexed in Index Copernicus International, EuroPub, Root Indexing, ResearchBib, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Scientific Indexing Services, Bilgindex, Asos Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, and Turkey Tourism Index.
The Journal Editorial Board acts in accordance with the principles and guidelines of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). The journal conforms to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.
Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website.
Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism
is published quarterly since 2008 by Jozef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Health in Biała Podlaska. It publishes manuscripts in English encompassing various fields of medical and natural sciences linked with sport, physical education, sports medicine as well as tourism and physical recreation. It is characterized by high standard of contents and good publishing quality available in both forms, electronic and printed. Articles are subjected to fair and constructive peer review by experts in the field from Poland and abroad.
Journal is indexed in international abstracting databases and evaluated i.a. by Polish Ministry of Education and Science, Scopus and Scimago Journal & Country Rank. Articles are published in Open Access model on Sciendo platform.
Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website.
Studia Periegetica
is an interdisciplinary journal, in which articles are published following the highest standards of publication ethics, using the double-blind peer review process, with each submission reviewed by at least two reviewers (selected by the editor depending on the field of expertise) and published under an open-access license. “Studia Periegetica” publishes empirical and theoretical articles that make a relevant contribution to the development of theoretical knowledge and methodology in the field of tourism, recreation and sustainable development.
Benefits for authors: articles available in the Open Access formula, no fees for the publishing, free proofreading service, and fast publishing process. The journal is indexed in the following databases: ERIH Plus, EBSCO, Bilgindex, Crossref, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, BazEkon, PBN, POL-Index.
Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website.
Turyzm | Tourism
is the oldest Polish scientific journal devoted to tourism. It has been published by the Institute of Urban Geography, Tourism Studies, and Geoinformation, University of Lodz since 1985. Over the past 35 years, it has come a long way: from a pioneering academic journal, where the results of the first tourism research were published still in a socialist Poland (the 1980s), through to one of the leading national journals documenting the transformations in tourism in the period of political and economic transformation (the 1990s, early 21st century), and since 2016 to a dynamic international title, aspiring to transfer the latest knowledge about tourism between Poland and the world. The journal is indexed in nearly 40 scientific databases, including Scopus (Cite Score 2021 – 0.5), DOAJ, ERIH+, CEJSH.
Turyzm | Tourism is one of the few publications in Poland intended for researchers representing a variety of disciplines and dealing with tourism issues, first of all for geographers, economists, sociologists and representatives of social sciences. The journal mostly presents the findings of the latest empirical studies on contemporary phenomena regarding a wide range of tourism, hospitality industry and recreation issues, including their local specificity and local context. The journal accepts only texts which have not been published anywhere before: theoretical, research, review papers and scientific notes, containing partial findings of original empirical research, as well as reviews, reports and contributions to debates.
Detailed information on the publication process is available on the journal’s website.